Another day has raised and I have a brand new challenge from my program with Dancing and Life.
No free day during the 30 days program and it has teached me that you have to take care of yourself every day! No excuses!
Another day has raised and I have a brand new challenge from my program with Dancing and Life.
No free day during the 30 days program and it has teached me that you have to take care of yourself every day! No excuses!
My experience with Dancing and Life is almost coming to an end and I couldn’t be more excited and happy to have started it almost 27 days ago!
How time flies fast when you are enjoying what you are doing!
My experience with Dancing and Life is almost coming to an end as we are only a week away.
So I thought would be nice to share a little bit more since for me was very interesting and helpful!
My experience with Dancing and Life is going on and I’m feeling always more positive and full of energies.
Today is 22nd day and we have to share a video of ourself holding a victory pose, and saying how we will succeed this year. Isn’t it so powerful?
As the program goes by, I want to give you another update about Dancing and Life.
I’m feeling so much better and positive since day 1 and it is helping me to face better the difficulties of this particular moment.
Renting a home can be a great option for people who move around a lot due to their jobs or for those who haven’t quite figured out where they want to plant roots.
It’s much easier to sign a lease for a year or even month-to-month than struggling to do everything that comes with homeownership. There’s also the added benefit of not having to fix things that break on the house such as an expensive air conditioner or other items that can be pricey to fix or replace.
As I wrote you in the previous article about Dancing and Life program, I would like to give you an update as today I am on my day 8 of 30. Dancing and Life is really having a positive and motivating impact on my daily life!
You know that movement and dance are powerful forces. Dance has helped us express ourselves. It helps us celebrate; it helps in conducting rituals. In dance, we can seek abundance. In dance, we can mourn. Through dance, we can socialize. And that is what makes dance such an important tool for the people who are facing a challenge or crisis during this hard times.
Dancing and Life is a company that provides free and premium training and coaching to help you overcome crises and live your best life. It will teach you the power of movement and dance to help you feel better now.
Dancing and Life is for everyone. You don’t have to be a dancer or even have rhythm or dancing skills; what matters is the movement and the intent behind it.
The new year is finally come and we left 2020 at our back.
2020 was a difficult and hard year, that pushed us to our limits inside out. We had to face mental and physical breakdowns and some of us came out in a better way, more aware and more resilient.
The global pandemic brought with it several side effects and one of this is a boom in mortgages for homes.
There is a fil-rouge that connects me with fragrances. Whenever I smell one I need to know deeply everything about the brand that has created it.
Every scent also fixed in my memory a particular moment and every time I smell in the air again that fragrance, it seems that everything comes to life again.
This the biggest power of scents.
This Christmas will be different for every of us, worldwide. The pandemic situation won’t allow us to be as festive as last years with our family and friends due to the restriction but that doesn’t mean that we cannot enjoy this special time.
It will be just a matter to think it differently.
First of all, I hope that from wherever you are reading me now you are all good and safe.
I have entered my second week of lockdown here in Italy and in some way it impacted me in a different way since last time. Maybe because I already felt on my skin what being lockdown in a red zone means but is I took it in a worst way than before, emotionally speaking. But I don’t wanna let myself go down or complain because I am more lucky than lot of other people who are currently struggling with this illness so…let’s cheer up and be positive.
Il profumo è una espressione della nostra anima.
Ogni mattina ci svegliamo con un umore o una attitudine diversa dal giorno precedente e per questo, inconsciamente o consciamente, lo comunichiamo all’esterno con l’abbigliamento o con gli accessori.
Lo stesso vale per la scelta del profumo. Un esplosivo e vivace bouquet oppure un accordo sensuale e decadente.
Whenever I have the chance to discover a new niche fragrance and, above all, the person behind it, I get extremely happy. And when the creator is a woman, more than ever because I am a strong believer and supporter of women empowerment and women who support other women.
Memoize London is at the moment one of my favorite brand in the niche sector. Their fragrances are unique, fascinating and captivating. Everything, from the bottle to the fragrance itself, is made with a particular care to details and knowledge of the market.
After a forced moment at home during the quarantine, there is nothing more beautiful than planning a trip abroad for the upcoming months.
I have missed a lot to dream and to imagine myself exploring a new city or country, to meet you people, taste new food and to look at everything with brand-new eyes.
The world without art would be a flattened electrocardiogram. The art world gives voice to emotions without needing a canonical and predefined language … it is open to the free interpretation of those who know how to read its language.
Art has several facets expressed by various talented artists. Currently I am so much focused on the upcoming ones and this why today I wanna introduce you to Juliane Blasquez.
This very particular moment we are living has changed a lot our habits and we are now experiencing a new “normality”.
Being lockdown at home gave us time to reflect…to reflect about what we like and what we don’t like anymore, to what is time to let go and to what is time to focus on. But it also gave us time to take care about ourselves much more.
Having finally some proper time to dedicate just to myself was a real turning point as before, due to high working schedule, I often didn’t have time. I enjoyed so much, and also made me feel better, doing lot of skincare and, even if I was quarantine, I spent sometime to do natural and spontaneous makeup.
Quante sfaccettature può avere l’animo umano? Decimo Giunio Giovenale disse che molti individui, come i diamanti grezzi, nascondono splendide qualità dietro all’apparenza.
Spesso tendiamo a nascondere il nostro vero io e la nostra reale personalità. Non siamo fatti per chiunque, le caratteristiche più intime vogliamo tenerle per noi e per la nostra cerchia selezionata, ma ciò che custodiamo dentro a volte ha bisogno di raccontarsi e di esprimersi. Le modalità di espressione possono essere differenti. La più seducente e la mia preferita è attraverso un profumo. Attraverso una fragranza possiamo raccontare di noi stessi, senza bisogno di usare le parole.
La linea di fragranze Storie Veneziane by Valmont raccoglie una serie di ritratti olfattivi e ci racconta le diverse sfaccettature dell’animo umano in un’armonia di contrasti.
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