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Category: Interview

16 Lug

Interview | Holly Hutchinson, CEO of Memoize London

Whenever I have the chance to discover a new niche fragrance and, above all, the person behind it, I get extremely happy. And when the creator is a woman, more than ever because I am a strong believer and supporter of women empowerment and women who support other women.

Memoize London is at the moment one of my favorite brand in the niche sector. Their fragrances are unique, fascinating and captivati...
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23 Giu

Interview | Juliane Blasquez

The world without art would be a flattened electrocardiogram. The art world gives voice to emotions without needing a canonical and predefined language … it is open to the free interpretation of those who know how to read its language.

Art has several facets expressed by various talented artists. Currently I am so much focused on the upcoming ones and this why today I wanna introduce you to Juli...
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18 Dic

Interview | David Benedek, CEO of BDK Parfums

I am one of those people who choose things in life depending on what they convey at first sight at sensation. It can be about a specific decision to be made, a book or a scent.

The first time I met a BDK Parfums scent I was attracted by the art-deco bottle, in particular, by the cap inspired by the dome of the Grand Palais. The creator, David Benedek, is one the youngest designers...
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