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22 Mag

Interview | Claudio Cutuli, Cutuli CEO

Always beautiful and unexpected things happened when I am in Paris.

I was going to an evening event I was invited by a showroom for the launch of the new fragrances of an Italian label. As you know, I am deep passionate about niche scents but what I was not prepared for is to fall in love with them.

CUTULI launched during last Paris fashion week FERRUM and ATOMIC XXVI and now I’m very happy to interview the CEO, Claudio Cutuli, about his brand and his working path.

1)From what was born the idea to create a line of fragrances?

I have always been linked to everything that is art to a high aesthetic taste. I define myself as a master dyer as my company is specialized in the field of scarves and for almost two hundred years natural dyeing is the flagship of my family’s textile handcraft and natural color is the fundamental element thanks to which we can still dream. In this artistic world, I decided to tie smells, perfumes, essences researched and studied to be unique.

2) What does Cutuli meant for you? What is your brand for you?

Cutuli is me, my art, passion and aesthetic sense.

3) From what do you take inspiration in life as in the creation of a fragrance?

From nature, from colors and from what they transmit. All the beauty that surrounds us is a constant and continuous source of inspiration

4) Among the fragrances you have created until today, if you could choose one, which would name your favorite and why.

I love them both because they are the fruit of my nose and of what represents me

5) What are the things that inspire you regarding the creation of a fragrance?

Umbria, the land where I live and where with my family I carry on my project with determination and passion. From the last trip to Morocco, and from the spicy taste that infused me From Calabria, my land with its many nuances and the visceral connection that binds me to it

6) Ferrum and Atomic XXVI are your new fragrances. Strong and deep that go beyond the simple surface and that investigate in the inner soul. Tell me something about these new scents and what is its meaning for you

Ferrum is an intense and bold fragrance. The woody notes sign the enveloping character made evocative by the warm charm of the Ethiopian incense. Atomic XXVI, on the other hand, blossoms on the notes of the Fico that frees its fresh and fruity nature, welcomed by the warm notes of black pepper heart which outline its sophisticated sensuality.

7 ) If you could choose three words to describe them, what will be?

Enveloping, sensual and evocative

8) Is there a particular message that you want to convey with your brand and your scents?

That we must never give up but continue with determination to carry on our passions. I would like to be able to leave a mark, like the scent of a perfume after an unexpected encounter, so as to be remembered

9) If you could mention the biggest work you had with Cutuli, which one will you choose?

My clients who thank me for what I can always create and new.

10) Can we expect the launch of any new fragrances in 2019?

Absolutely yes, already from the next summer collection.


A poem by Claudio Cutuli:

Quel giorno, dopo l’incontro, non se ne andrà mai. Da te.

Lo sentirai per ventisei volte, ogni volta che la luna svanirà nel sole.

Dai luoghi leggendari che hai sognato. Caleidoscopio d’emozioni.

Arriverà prima di te.

Rimarrà dopo di te.

Sarà con te. Sempre.

Ora fermati. Senti come ti avvolge! Sfiora il viso, poi, piano piano, inebria il tuo corpo. Come labbra che volano d’amore sopra te.

Ascesi sublime, sogni riflessi,

durevoli nel tempo.

Adesso con te sono forte!

Creativo e connesso. Veloce. Agile. Avvolto da un senso che mai svanirà.

Perché lui è sempre, prima e dopo l’adesso, ora, domani.

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